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Objective 1: Follow a software development process to analyze a problem, and to design, build, and test software solutions.

Using your code from the last Mission Control Assignment, insert a logic error. For example, this could be changing < to > in your if statement or having the loop run too many or too few times. 


Created for the UAT Course: CSC102Intro To Programming.

Understand the role of JavaScript FunctionsWrite Functions, Comment Functions, Understand Inline JavaScript, Understand External JavaScript.

Created for the UAT Course: CSC102Intro To Programming.

Objective 2: Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment. 

You will get to try out your requirements gathering, and design skills. Here is a valuable link to understand interactive fiction from a user perspective. It is important to try to pick a category and try a few of the interactive fiction games at this link to understand the requirements for this assignment.

Created for the UAT Course: CSC203—Java Programming I.

Please ZIP your files and submit them. Include the HTML files (index and other pages), the CSS files, any images and multimedia and all other documentation of the site, as needed. 

Created for the UAT Course: CSC100—Beginning Web Design.

Objective 3: Design and implement software solutions across multiple platforms. 

Create a new PHP page in your Mars tourism web application that displays a clock that updates every minute to show when the next trip leaves for Mars. Display different messages depending on the time left. 

Created for the UAT Course: CSC356—Designing Website Interfaces II.

Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript, CSS.

For this assignment, you will turn your Mars tourism website into a web application. Before you can take tourists on trips to Mars, you will need to hire pilots. Create a pilot application form (with at least 5 questions) that uses JavaScript validation and passes information to another page. 

Created for the UAT Course: CSC356—Designing Website Interfaces II.

Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript, CSS.

Objective 4: Design and implement software solutions for mobile devices or embedded systems.

This will be the most fun week you have had so far this semester! I am excited to announce you will compete in a class contest with your peers in this course. Created in Python.

Created for the UAT Course: CSC235—Python Programming I.

GUI Contest video showing what I did in the video.

In this Assignment, you will build a working and useful POC (Proof of Concept) Application. Build a working and useful POC (Proof of Concept) Application. Created in Python.

The Output of the code in this image.


Created for the UAT Course: CSC235—Python Programming I.

Objective 5: Document the planning and development of software applications using industry standard tools, techniques, and processes.

ER Diagram II

Game Company ERD Design.png

For this project, you will need to create an ER diagram based on the Business Rules specified below. Look again at figure 1-7 from your textbook and study how the ER diagram is designed in the example provided.

Created for the UAT Course: CSC211—Introduction To Databases.

WireFrame Image Created by Vanessa Bonner.png

A wireframe plans the positioning of the the major elements of a page: header, navigation, content area, sidebars, footer, etc. You can build this in the website, PowerPoint, Illustrator, Photoshop, or any Microsoft application.

Created for the UAT Course: CSC256—Designing Website Interfaces I.

Objective 6: Within software solutions describe, implement and analyze data structure techniques such as lists, trees, hash tables, graphs, along with sorting and searching algorithms.

The Output of the code in this image.

Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 11.12.19 AM.png

Your maze should have a great UX.
Your app should be over-commented.
Using Direct Recursion, write a program to auto-create and display the following mazes with the following dimensions below from user input, Your maze should not be hard-coded!
Your maze should display on a console window using ASCII characters.


Created for the UAT Course: CSC275—C++ Programming II

Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 11.30.44 AM.png

Choose a new dataset that you have never used in this course before.
Make sure all the data in your features and target are numeric and not text.
Choose a dataset that you like that has at least 100+ rows and 5+ columns.
Create an ML application to use a decision tree classifier.
Using Pandas, import the dataset .csv file into your machine-learning app.

The Output of the code in this image.

Code working 2.png

Created for the UAT Course: CSC373—

Machine Learning.

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